Legal Notice

Molkenstrasse 15
8004 Zürich
UID: CHE-456.479.208
TEL: +41 44 518 86 90

Authorised representatives‍

Patrick Schwab, Owner and Managing Director, Okula AG
Jonas Staub, Owner and Managing Director, Okula AG
Emanuel Ambühl, Owner and Managing Director, Okula AG

Further information

We have deliberately chosen only the PDF format for the documents on our website. The Portable Document Format (PDF; [[trans]]portable file format) is a platform-independent file format for documents that was developed by Adobe Systems and published in 1993. Thanks to this format, it is possible for all users to open a document, even if they do not have the software with which the document was created. To be able to open the documents, you need a PDF reader (PDF viewer), although there are now numerous other free PDF readers in addition to Adobe’s Acrobat Reader. A list of vendor-independent programmes can be found on the website of the Free Software Foundation Europe.

If links (references) from our websites lead to third-party websites, we have no influence whatsoever on the content and design of these third-party websites and therefore accept no responsibility whatsoever for any criminal, youth-endangering, unlawful and/or otherwise illegal (e.g. defamatory, offensive, threatening, obscene, racist) content. Any liability for the content of third-party websites to which we refer by means of links is therefore expressly rejected. Visitors to third-party websites to which our websites refer via links bear full responsibility for their visit.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure the reliability of the information presented on our website, but we make no representations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained on our website. We reserve the right to make changes to this website at any time without prior notice.

We make content, images, photos and other files available to the public on our website. However, the copyright and all other rights to this content, images, photos and other files remain exclusively with us or the expressly named rights holders. When downloading or copying such content, images, photos or other files, no transfer of these rights takes place. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.

Subject to other legal provisions, this website and its use as well as services associated with the website are governed exclusively by Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising in connection with the use of this website is the place of jurisdiction of the city of Lucerne.